The head of county came to our company to investigate scientific and technological innovation work.

       Ms. Shi Yiting, head of Changxing County, conducted a survey on the science and technology innovation enterprises in the economic development zone on May 6, 2019.


 △Visit  workshops


△Visit the company exhibition hall

The last stop of this research is AIRBEST (Changxing) Technology co., LTD. Mr. Hu Wenjing, general manager of AIRBEST accompanied the head of Changxing county to visit machining factory, suction cup workshop, corporate culture corridor, product exhibition hall and product laboratory. He introduced her the application of products in the field of vacuum gripping, the current development situation of the company and the development plan in the future. She is deeply interested in the vacuum grab scheme matching intelligent manufacturing products, and encourages enterprises to look to the future, actively cooperate with the national strategy of made in China 2025, to make the industry benchmark products made in China, made in quality and made in wisdom, and shine on the stage of industrial automation and intelligence. At the same time, She also has deep expectations that AIRBEST can do the industry standard leader, in the field of vacuum technology to achieve the invisible champion.


△Visit the company culture corridor

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